Got to change yo alttitude

a change in altitude can change life and pple different perspective on certain issues.
Pple must be ready to make a U-turn there lives and abort the old primitive way of life.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How to Make the Ladies Love You

Guys, are you sick and tired of being unlucky with the ladies? Have you had enough with sitting at home on a Saturday night dateless and alone? Have you ever thought that if only you had the right tools, the right system, that your life as a frustrated chump could be so much better, so much fuller? It is time to become the Alpha Male that you have always dreamed about. The man that can walk into a room and make women ask "who is that guy?"

I was like you once. Nerdy (even though you can get away with that), awkward (even though you can get away with that as well. I wasn't popular with the ladies in high school and some of that carried on with me through college. But then I found a method that changed my life. It taught me how to stand up for myself, find my inner confidence and once this happened, everything else fell into place. I can look back at those times before the system and laugh, because know I have the tools I need to get the women I want. And the truth of the matter is, it doesn't matter your height, your weight, your looks, or your financial status. None of that matters to a woman at all.

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