Got to change yo alttitude

a change in altitude can change life and pple different perspective on certain issues.
Pple must be ready to make a U-turn there lives and abort the old primitive way of life.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Secrets Women Wish YouKnew

Don't Hide Your Flaws
Nothing captures a woman's heart quite like a good
man who wants to be a better man, according to love
guru Kirschner. "Women love personal growth, they
love a man who is thoughtful and sensitive." She
likes it when her man recognizes a flaw -- a short
temper, for example, or a regularly sullen mood
after work -- and loves it when he makes an effort
to address it

Chivalry Still Has a Place
When it comes to romance, many women do like men
to take a traditional masculine role. This is
especially true in the wooing stage of a
relationship, according to psychologist Diana
Kirschner, PhD, who's written several books about
love. She's perfectly capable of pulling out her
own chair or opening a door, but if you see her
hesitate, she might just be waiting for you to be the

Don't Try to Fix Her World
When something's bothering her, she wants your ear,
not your advice. "Men feel the need to fix things
because they are solution-oriented," says Kirschner.
"But to a woman, really listening is a wonderful,
wonderful thing that deepens the relationship

Nodding Is Not Enough
Listening is important, but she also wants to know
that she is being heard. Nodding along won't cut it.
When she pauses, she's giving you a cue to respond in
a compassionate, caring way, says Kirschner. If she
tells you that she is upset because her boss gave
her a tough time, she wants to hear you say "I'm sorry
that work was such a drag for you today." And
remember: Resist the urge to offer solutions

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