Got to change yo alttitude

a change in altitude can change life and pple different perspective on certain issues.
Pple must be ready to make a U-turn there lives and abort the old primitive way of life.

Monday, March 28, 2011

HAving fun pple!

If you have to borrow money, borrow from a pessimist because that person won't expect to get paid back,go wild,be crazy,have fun.

Saturday, March 26, 2011



Christians deem in the bible scriptures written by man inspired by the Holy Spirit. It’s written in the bible that God made man and woman to give birth and fill the universe. Commencing the days of Adam to date many decades have gone by and children have been brought up through different environment, protocols, belives, technology and culture.

There are factors which make or differentiate children bone through different generation due to certain changes in technology, culture, standard of living, education etc. During the early days of man, children were highly respected and seen as a gift from the gods this is why a ceremony or fist was conducted when a child is born; with that reason barren women were seen as a disgrace and were rejected from the clan or community. Throughout the growth of the child, He/She was subjected to different duties and responsibility according to age, ability and conscience. Children were also taught the culture, ethics, be lives, with the elders according to sex.

Learn your facial expression!Who is scarellyyyy?

A fool without fear is sometimes wiser than an angel with fear.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Snoring - a Small Change Can Make a Big Difference

We all know how annoying snoring can be, both for the snorer and the partner.  The effects and seriousness of snoring are becoming more apparent with snoring being linked to conditions like high blood pressure and  coronary disease.  The different types of snoring, range from a simple puff to a full on roar and there isn’t one school of thought on the reasons behind snoring. Snoring, I believe, is a signal that the body’s systems are out of balance. Finding which system is the difficult part.  But correcting the balance may not take a huge change, take the example of Andy.

Andy was in his late 30s and had snored for several years. He’s not quite sure when it started but of late the snoring had being a more regular event.  He probably still wouldn’t be aware of it, except it drove his wife crazy. Andy had always being active, not a football star but he liked to throw a ball around. If you asked a passerby, they wouldn’t describe Andy as overweight but Andy freely admits putting on a pound a year over the past 10 years and plans to start shedding some of it sometime soon.

Every year Andy and the family, his wife and two sons go camping. They always go to the same camping ground every year and always get the same site, or there about, near the water and away from the highway. Andy doesn’t believe a holiday should be hard work and the family  doesn’t lack for comfort with inflatable mattresses, electric cooler, color TV  (just for the news) and a large three room tent.  Now last year the shower block at Andy’s end of the camp ground was under going a major renovation for the two weeks of Andy’s holiday.  It wasn’t a major problem; it just meant that Andy had his nightly shower at the other shower block. But because Andy and his wife preferred that the boys didn’t have to walk in the dark they showered a couple hours earlier than normal.

After a couple of days after arriving Andy’s wife Karen noted that Andy wasn’t snoring nearly as badly as he normally did. On past holidays even the boys would mention how annoying dad’s snoring was.  They  too had noticed a more quiet night.  Andy was pleased as he too had noticed that he awoke more refreshed in the morning and his mouth didn’t feel like someone had left sandpaper in it. He didn’t know what change he had made that brought this unexpected and pleasant result, but he suspected it had to do with his nightly routine, as this was the only thing that had changed.

Over the next two weeks Andy experimented with his routine and finally came to the conclusion that if he brushed his teeth several hours before going to bed rather than just before retiring he didn’t snore so much, if at all, and he woke in the morning without his mouth feeling all dry.

That simple change has made a  big difference to Andy and Karen. Andy deduced that when he brushed his teeth just before retiring, the toothpaste was making him a little dehydrated. It was enough to dry out the nasal passages and cause him to breathe through his mouth making the snoring noise.  By brushing earlier he didn’t suffer the same dehydration and was able to breathe through his nose the whole night through. Now Andy also realized that toothpaste alone shouldn’t be able to have such a  major effect. It was that his body was very near the balance point and the toothpaste was the final small push over the edge. Andy decided he was too close to that fine balance point and began to look at his whole diet.  He has made some small adjustments to his diet. He has lost a little weight, but that’s a bonus and he only now snores if he over indulges and that’s usually when he catches up with college buddies twice a year.

The chance of eliminating your snoring by changing when you brush your teeth is probably less than one in a  thousand. Andy’s problem probably is your problem. The key is to find the system that is out of balance and work to set it right.  You never know, you may only need the smallest of change. Is it worth the effort? You decide.

Words u hard speak!

eschew \es-CHOO
To shun; to avoid (as something wrong )
In high school and college the Vassar women had enjoyed that lifestyle, but afterward they had eschewed it as shallow

Field Work!

Hii nyama hina infection kweli ndungu yangu......?mbona nyeusi hivyo au ng'ombe alikuwa mzeeee!

There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout:

There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout:
This is me damn it! I look the way I look, think the way I think, feel the way I feel, love the way I love! I am a whole complex package. Take me... or leave me. Accept me - or walk away! Do not try to make me feel like less of a person, just because I don't fit your idea of who ...I should be and don't try to change me to fit your mold. If I need to change, I alone will make that decision.
When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad - you will be amazed at the opportunities that life presents you.”

Moshi construstion!Baba nae huku baki nyuma!

Mambo ya field!

Kasamwa,small town along the road to Geita.The town has about five subdivision with an estimate of about five hundred thousand people.The haedquators being Kasamwa town.
The town has a fast growing population with a birth rate of about 10 new birth per week inspite of the poor insufisient  maternal equipment and care in the division.

Got to learn

Much learning does not teach understanding but my type of lesson aint concern teach but understanding achieved ba yo capacity of thinking.
U got to learn much more of current affairs that hummer the globe, cerebrities, culture and our tradition, poping issues that hit pple's mind, poetry and much more.